This here is a sample site. It will show you the do's and don'ts of a great writer's resource for BtVS Guild Wannabes, and for the rest of you, it'll give you pointers on how to create a pretty damn excellent fanfiction archive with extras.
Obviously, this area is all about Anya. What should be here? For Guild, the requirement is simply "essays on the zone subject" so the definite requirement is an essay about writing Anya. However, you're interested in excellence, the above and beyond. So what else ought to be here?
* "Anya is NOT Discount Cordelia!" (or some definitive essay that you think is How to Write Anya in a Nutshell.)
* The history of Anya
* An Anya-centric episode guide.
* Anya quotes and banter.
* Pros and cons of Anya 'shipping (thus showing you have an unbiased attitude toward the fandom and the character)
* Stereotypes of Anyafic to watch for.
* Writing "flavors" of Anyafic, for example, angst, fluff, et cetera.
* Problems specific to your zone subject.
Another thing that could be here is your fanart section, should you choose to have one, though that could also be in the resource section. Also, realize that this all doesn't have to be done at once, but you should probably have two or three of them (preferably written by more than one person, and obviously spell-checked and copy-edited) before you apply to Guild.