human behavior: the anya zone


This here is a sample site. It will show you the do's and don'ts of a great writer's resource for BtVS Guild Wannabes, and for the rest of you, it'll give you pointers on how to create a pretty damn excellent fanfiction archive with extras.

Okay, so this is the big finish. What goes here? Well, if you've looked at some of the real Guild site, you'll see that it varies. In my opinion, this is a great place to put your policies and procedures, give credit where credit is due, and show off your awards, banners, and other things that are mostly shameless self-promotion.

What might that specifically include? Well: your disclaimers; your submission policy; a guestbook; your banners; awards and nominations; webrings and cliques you've joined; how to get in contact with you; updates; site info and credits. Basically, the things that don't go anywhere else? They go here.


