human behavior: the anya zone


This here is a sample site. It will show you the do's and don'ts of a great writer's resource for BtVS Guild Wannabes, and for the rest of you, it'll give you pointers on how to create a pretty damn excellent fanfiction archive with extras.

So you were noticing that the Guild prefers (and requires for Major Zones), "an interactive section." So what's that and why is it the easiest requirement to fulfill in my opinion?

In a nutshell, the use of an interactive section is in having a forum where you can instantly cull new fanfiction without looking through all the old sites you used to get your initial list of fic (not that you shouldn't or can't go back to those to look--in fact, it's a good idea to go take a look back every so often not only to find new fic, but to make sure those links are still active for your Resource section.) Also, people on your mailing list/forum will also be the people who WANT to beta read Anya (Wes/Gunn, crossover) fic and WANT to help you do essays and resources.

Simply put, it's much more convenient to have a mailing list (my personal preference) or a bulletin board/forum to have as an insta-archive option. Obviously if you want to start a mailing list, Yahoogroups is the obvious (if tedious) option, while Ezboard, among a multitude of others, will host a board for you.

And that's that! Interactive without much coding or graphic design by you, and lots of resources for you to use.


